Monday, 12 May 2008

It's arrived...

Well, the first (and maybe last, depending on its effects!) batch of 30 x 200mg Modalert has arrived.

It arrived discreetly packaged by the supplier in a cardboard cd case and came in three silver blister packs of 10 tablets. It looks very much for all intents and purposes to be the genuine article. The packaging is clearly marked "Modalert 200" (with a purple background), a warning that it is "to be sold by retail on the prescription of a neurologist/psychiatrist/specialist only," that each uncoated tablet contains modafinil (200mg) and excipients (qs), that it is "manufactured in india by sun pharmaceuticals," that dosage is "to be directed by the neurologist/psychiatrist/specialist," and that it should be stored in a "cool dry place, protected from sunlight." On the reverse is a batch number (AD71851), manufacture/expiry dates (09-2007/08-2009) and other numbers designated "ML" (manufacturing location?) and "MRP Rs" (presumably retail price, as this is followed by "per 10 tablets incl of all taxes").

The first dose will be taken on Wednesday morning.

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